Press Release
The Nicosia Tourism Board, as a partner of the European Project “Cult-CreaTE”, participates in the 18th European Week of Regions and Cities. Specifically, Nicosia Tourism Board will participate in a participatory workshop on “The contribution of Cultural and Creative Industries to Cultural and Creative Tourism in Europe” / “Cultural and Creative Industries contribution to Cultural and Creative Tourism in Europe”, which will take place on October 13 at 12:30 p.m.
European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual event in Brussels, with over 6000 participants such as regional and local authorities, experts and academics having the opportunity to exchange good practices and expertise in the field of regional development. It is also a recognized political communication platform for the development of EU cohesion policy. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all European Week events will take place online.
The cult-CreaTE project team, including NTB, was selected, among other things, to organize a participatory workshop in the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities. Nicosia Tourism Board will be one of the two “narrators” of the Laboratory, presenting good practices for the development of Creative and Cultural Tourism destinations through the development and promotion of the Creative and Cultural Industries.
Participants will have the opportunity to exchange experiences about the role of the Creative and Cultural Industries, to learn about good practices and achievements in this industry, as well as to exchange views on the potential of the industry and its contribution to development and the promotion of Creative and Cultural Tourism. Special emphasis will be given to the creation of innovative tourism products and services that promote “co-creation”, ie the active participation of visitors in the events of each destination. The role of Creative and Cultural Tourism in the rapid recovery of the European tourism sector after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic will also be examined.